A biodiverse roof is an opportunity to build different biotopes, providing habitat for flora and fauna.

Wherever nature is displaced by building materials and the surface sealed by development, green roofs can recreate the natural habitat of flora and fauna. Above all, natural cultivation of extensive crops that do not require excessive care can provide habitat for a variety of animal species.

Most often, wild bees, butterflies and other insects find refuge in such conditions. However, the development of biodiversity largely depends on how we plan these habitats. Sedum species alone and the thickness or composition of the substrate layer are not sufficient factors for full restoration of the natural environment.

With relatively little effort, it is possible to plan and construct modules that are as close as possible to natural conditions.


Modelowanie warstw substratu
Modelling of substrate layers

By creating differences in the thickness of the substrate, new living spaces are created for animals. There is also an increasing choice of plant species that require different planting depths for proper development.

Okresowe zbiorniki wodne
Periodic water reservoirs

The separated and properly prepared areas will collect rainwater or snow-melt over an extended period. It is not only a habitat for some animals but also a drinker for birds and insects.

Dobór gatunkowy roślin
Selection of plant species

With different substrate thicknesses, it is possible to expand the selection of plant species that will attract different types of insects. Forage plants provide a source of food for birds.

Martwe pozostałości po drzewie
Dead tree remains

The dead branches and roots of trees are valuable elements for shaping habitats that are home mainly to mosses, lichens, fungi, beetles, wild bees and ants.

Budki lęgowe
Insect nesting boxes

Proper selection of insect nesting boxes allows insects, especially wild bees or bumblebees, to settle. When deciding to invite such residents, be sure to choose plants that attract these insects.

The number of biodiversity modules is arbitrary and depends on your imagination and knowledge. The selection of the system depends on the type of green roof, its purpose and the solutions envisaged in the project.

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